Saturday, February 4, 2012

Adventureland Soundtrack:Adventureland

I decided to start watching other films that Kristen Stewart starred in. I'd already done the same thing with Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson so I wanted to give her a shot. The Runaways was too boring for me to finish and when I started this film I was thinking the same thing: "Does she ever play a character that doesn't look like her during interviews? Is she even acting or is she always this nervous and squirrel-ish? This seems like the exact same person, just with new actors surrounding her." While the verdict is still out on whether she can play roles unlike herself (this character may as well have been Bella), I really liked her in this film. She was a little more complex--in a weird relationship with the guy who played Mark Zuckerberg from The Social Network--Jesse Eisenberg, another actor who always seems like he wants to run screaming from the camera; and she was boning a married man who lied about his background with a famous band.

But it wasn't just their situation. I get into teenage/college age films. I'm always interested in the things that are considered "huge" at that age, and this amusement park was full of drama. The amusement park owners crack me up. The male owner with the bat was priceless. Talk about multiple personalities! I did not see that one coming.

Anyway, this film is worth buying. The only con was painfully watching the "hot" girls dance. All they did was twirl around and show flat bottoms (again, like watching "Live Nude Comedy," somebody needed to invest in butt pads). They had the cute part down but the dances left much to be desired. Then again, I got the impression this movie was supposed to be in the '80s when we all painfully danced badly so who can blame them?

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